Dear readers,

We do live in weird times, don’t we? The Cass report has caused a huge wave of troons reaching for the silliest reasons to try and debunk it, even pointing out it’s using AI-generated images. Had they not done that, they would have been shouting off the rooftops they used patient information and put those at risk for their “genocide.”

But what truly worries me is that the medical companies are researching new ways to convert more Straight & LGB people into lifelong members of the Hormone cult. And it made me wonder now with the American debate going over Roe vs Wade, the abortion debate. I know it’s not connected to the fight we are fighting here, but…

What if the troops get their way fully and Transgenderism is a recognized religion all across the world ( it is a religion )? What if they resort to genetics and, god forbid, eugenics? The thought isn’t as silly as one would have guessed. Imagine ten years ago when people were saying you could change your gender every day. We would have institutionalized them, and for good reason.

Imagine this nightmare: Giving growing babies treatment to change gender in the womb? I assume it’s the trans cult’s most holy grail, but think about it briefly IF they are pushing puberty blockers & gender surgeries on minors as young as nine years old in some reported cases. What is the distance between that and a fetus? They socially transition children who are even three years old cause they like a Barbie girl.

This is thankfully only a nightmare in a distant future. But remember, think back about 10-20 years and look at our current situation. I hope with the new Cass report, the tide can finally turn, and we can put an end to the fascist transgender movement. They use dangerous tactics, dangerous medical procedures, and never for the benefit of the child. opinion piece.

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