Dear readers.
A thought came to me earlier, as one does when sitting on the porcelain throne. Is this the beginning of the eugenics age for our race?
The Nazi erra,
The idea one can change gender, as idiotic as it sounds, could be a prelude to something more sinister. We know that the basis for transgenderism was the Gender Clinic in Berlin. As the troons eagerly remind us. While investigating this matter, I came across the Buchenwald experiments. In the Nazi concentration camp, a doctor (Carl Vaernet) was experimenting on Homosexual men to cure the condition “of homosexuality.”
Now, is there anyone with an ounce of sanity and logical reasoning that believes the SS, when raiding the gender clinic, unthinkingly burned all the research? They were known for being quite the murderers and racists, but they were not stupid. It is known SS officers confiscated research they came across to see if it could aid the Third Reich with their final solution—the purity of their race.
This doctor used sexual hormones on these prisoners to attempt to cure them; after the war, this doctor and his research team were not put on the Nuremberg trials; this is puzzling, but they escaped to southern America to live out their lives in peace. Now, is there anyone who believes these individuals stopped their research?
2 or 3 generations later
Now, that was over 80 years ago; now, two or even three generations later, we see an increase in antisemitism and the largest wave of homophobia the world has ever seen. Coincidence? Perhaps. The research that was started in the gender clinic and the Nazi research combined, gender-related and general medical knowledge obtained during world war two, has made it possible for transgenderism.
Same method of operandi
If you look at the way the transgender cultists speak, behave, and suppress any opinion other than their own. You cannot deny this movement strikes a canny resemblance to the fascist Nazi socialist movement.
Critical race theory (Nazi) and the transgender theory: if we look at these two ideologies side by side, we can see similarities that are hard to deny. The Germans spoke of Üntermenschen and Übermenschen: the undesired and the desired. For the undesired, they created an entire subset of categories. They range from people with physical disabilities to mental ones to actual genetics.
The Transgender community does precisely the same; you have the Trans (the desired) and the cis (undesired); they create genders as if we are in a mass production factory in China. Anyone not fitting in the desired (trans) must either be converted through neutering( Gender affirming care) or by subjugation. Self-ID is a significant aspect of this movement.
The conversion & oppression
The TQ cult loves to attach itself to another group of people and portray themselves as friends. We have seen this firsthand with the LGB community, which they infiltrated and started to convert the undesired LGB people into desired transgender people. Anyone opposing this is either a bigot, straight or stupid. Ignore the fact they are forcing lesbian women to undergo sexual advances of literally straight men on their dating apps and in their same-sex spaces.
The removal of female spaces & rights to make way for their desired trans domination, as history has shown us time after time, if you have a solid female community, things have a better chance. It is partly due to the lack of male domination after the WW II era that we have progressed to where we are today. Women are entering the workforce and contributing to our society besides being housemaids.
I strongly believe that they are so adamant trans women are actual women who guide the female population, either through domination or guilt, to their respective goals. The conversion of gay men into lovely straight, trans women falls under the same tactic. Far too often, it has been homosexuals at the forefront of social change. Especially concerning women’s rights, Gay men have no vested interest in dominating or subjugating women, as their sexual interests lie elsewhere. We (gay men) are a natural ally and will defend women at all times. They are our mothers, our best friends, our backbone.
Pardon me for this very long intro, but I’m getting to the point I was trying to make. If we were to surrender, and I surely hope we do not, transgenderism would be globally accepted (god save us all). What is the next step?
Now that we have a baseline that converting children and neutering them is the only way to go forward, one can begin to wonder about what is next. Does anyone believe that is the endpoint, or will they find new territory to conquer? Let’s remember they keep insisting that men can give birth to children.
Now, what is next? Well, some troons already said as much. Introducing genetically modified uteruses for these men to “give birth” to children and for trans women to “produce” sperm… Twitter(x) has many people saying that is the next step. I believe them. Now…
I am not against vaccines, and they serve a purpose, nor am I a conspiracy believer. I want to address the latest vaccines that have been produced, as they tie in directly to the eugenics part. They can change the DNA in your cells; this is not new technology, but it is the first time it has been used on a big scale. COVID deniers, please don’t get triggered.
Queers for Palestine
So we have had the obvious Nazi connection that might be tenuous at best. However, the connection between the TQ cult and Islam is blatantly evident and present. Who in their right mind would align themselves with a religion that is specifically known to kill and torture the LGBTQ? I mean, come on. Not one single Muslim country is tolerant of homosexuals. And that is, whom do you choose to support? Where are the queers for Ukraine? If it’s the suffering of a people, what are the guidelines?
What if?
Now that we have all this baseline information, I can finally come to the core of the matter. Imagine that the TQ cult & their doctors find a way to alter the gender of fetuses. Or, as actual Nazis, change their skin color? Is there anyone here who would put it past them? I doubt it very much.
This is why we must fight the TQ cult wherever we can. However, we can. Imagine a world where people like the TQ cult can decide a person’s gender and race before they are born. They sure love to do it already, people who are born. Transrace is a thing. This is dangerous terrain, my fellow readers. And I hope we can turn the tide and outlaw all this dangerous “science,” Woke is a virus that needs to be fought, or we will end up in a society of eugenics and literal Nazis.
LGB benelux.org
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