Dear readers,

As many of us we greatly anticipate the Eurovision Song Contest. It was there where the first signs of LGB were allowed to blossom on european television. Something radical and ironically a family Television event. I remember being a wee kid in the 90’s and watching it together with the whole family. Great memories were formed back then. And when any hint of an LGB person was on stage it wasn’t ridiculed or cursed at but rather celebrated across Europe.


Now it has become a cesspool. It is not longer who can sneak in some campy music past the selection process so we can be proud of our LGB artists. It has become a joke. Especially this year, I mean, we have a “trans” witch from ireland?

This has nothing to do with music and is more to make a statement. Which the Irish can do, of course. However, when Europe is concerned these type of acts are perceived as a fun novelty and won’t win the contest usually. They did garnish alot of woke votes and ended up at 6th place with 278 points which 50% came from the jury vote, therefore Europe didn’t have a taste for it.

The Netherlands

The fact the Netherlands were excluded from the final as now turns out through various news outlets was because joost klein made a rude or aggressive gesture towards a woman. No actual violence or even words were used. So he was removed due to non-verbal communication, which as we all know is tenuous at best. We do not know what place The Netherlands would have ended up, but something tells me rather high. So for all those joost klein supporters ( included ) here is the best performance of eurovision 2024 for you again :

Israel & Ukraine

I’m not going to mention whether Israel should or shouldn’t have been at the Eurovision Song Contest or not. They were, those are the facts of the matter. What I am going to address why they ended up so high. It’s dual , first as usual and as can be seen with Ukraine there are alot of sympathy votes. Now, I do question the amount. We all know Ukraine is a victim in a war with Russia and Israel was attacked by Hamas. Would the votes they have received (Israel) been AS high as they were now IF :

Those idiots who occupied universities prior to the Eurovision Song Contest hadn’t done what they did? They occupied and destroyed public property. They attacked and shunned Jewish students. Furthermore, they protested at the Eurovision Song Contest en masse with the most hated girl in Europe, namely Greta Thunberg. Now, knowing Europe as well as I do, being an actual European. I can say without bias that some of those votes Israel gathered were not support votes, but rather protest votes for all the shit they have done in the past. Those Queers for Palestine who actually support a country where homophobia is tolerated, and honor killings go unpunished, should think twice of whom they are supporting and how they are supporting them.


The winner : Zwitserland

The winner is the winner, so congratulations to Nemo for winning, however the song itself and the performance i found lacking. I cannot stop to think would he have won if joost klein was in the finals? We don’t know and will never find out. The fact his “non binary” status doesnt even matter but has been celebrated as it is a brave thing to do? What about Conchita wurst who won TWICE , if anyone screams LGBTQ it is conchita wurst , not this dude in a skirt.

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